- Earlier there were Interest and Capital subsidies under TUF schemes as MTUFS, R TUFS and RR TUFS.
- TXC has mandated Joint Inspection Team (JIT) for Physical Verification of Plant and Machinery for further release of past and future claims subsidy under MTUFS, R TUFS and RR TUFS.
- At present there is A-TUF scheme, in which Textile Company can get 10% capital subsidy on purchase of Plant and Machinery for New Units /expansion or Modernization.
15 % Capital Subsidy for Purchase of Plant and Machinery or Rs. 15 Lacs whichever is low for SSI units.
INCENTIVE POLICY FOR NET VAT (Government of Gujarat)
- This policy is Published as on 25/07/2016.
- Incentive is 70%- 90 % Refund of Net VAT paid to Government.
- Incentive is based on 70%-100% of fixed Assets investment made after 1/1/2015.
- Incentive based on Location of industrial unit.
- Incentive will be given over 10 year’s period of time on Net VAT paid
MSME (Government of Gujarat)
- 10%-15% Capital Subsidy on Loan amount disbursed for purchasing Fixed Assets
- 5-9% Interest Subsidy on Loan Amount disbursed.
TEXTILE POLICY (Government of Gujarat)
- Interest Subsidy @ 7% /5 %/6%.
- Power tariff subsidy @Rs. 1 per unit
- VAT concession is eligible for purchase of intermediate product /raw material